8 definitions by Burrett

A fat useless turd-Muncher who angers easily and may be called pudgeworth. He/She/It is most commonly found in a mole hole
Fuck Adam Wright should change his name to Wompo!
by Burrett February 10, 2005
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Stands for a French Gay Unco Sissy Cunt who is a ass backwards, moronic, seepage sculling douchebag who is a total ass clown
by Burrett December 2, 2004
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The local pad of Sepalee/syphalee and Adam Wright/pudgeworth/wompo. Usually dark, dirty and reeking of fish.
lets burn down Syphalees mole hole!
by Burrett February 10, 2005
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Game played against any gay person, target is usually a Fgusc. Mainly played with weaponry or archery sets.
Man we really should introduce Tom Woods to Frag the fag.
by Burrett July 23, 2004
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A stupid fat dog raping prostitute wannabe who has no friends, likes sucking horse penis and lives like a mole.
Man Sepalee should change her name to Syphalee
by Burrett December 7, 2004
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Any group of soulless assholes who indulge in the wearing of eye liner, listening to emo and believinhg themselves to be cool
Man, Gay Trew, Homo McLean, fguscliffe and Orgy Anus are all emo wankers.
by Burrett June 25, 2005
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Used to describe chode sucking, mole fist fucking, pin dick owning and whore using sad muthafuckaaaaas!!!!!!!
Man i know people who should change their name to Fguscliffe
by Burrett January 16, 2005
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