2 definitions by BurningForCheetos

A seemingly loosely-knit group of lesbians on any and every online edifice for verbal war (i.e.: usenet, forums, online art communities) who, when one of them is even mildly insulted, will rain relentless hellfire upon the foolish, hapless mortal that seemingly made a newbie mistake, and any fool who may speak either on the behalf of the mortal, or attempts to calm the sisterhood. They are also trendsetters and have a majority of the public opinion of online art communities in the palms of their fishy hands.
Beware the Birkenstock Mafia, they own this 'net
by BurningForCheetos April 7, 2005
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Visible venerial disease and infestation around a woman's pubic area.
Eeech. She was laden with trail mix. I wasn't *that* desperate.
by BurningForCheetos April 7, 2005
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