6 definitions by Bunny of Doom

Abbreviated version of You're the man now, dog!, a phrase said by Sean Connery in the movie Finding Forrester. In the internet subculture, however, it refers to a website in which that phrase is repeated over and over. The site is now host to thousands of similar pages which can range from amusing to disturbing, but are almost always stupid.
by Bunny of Doom July 19, 2004
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To say they were the most influential band in recent Japanese history would be a vast understatement.
by Bunny of Doom July 19, 2004
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This is smut: caution advised if you are under 18.
by Bunny of Doom September 7, 2004
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Fanfics revolving around a certain relationship.
There's a lot of Ron/Hermione shippers out now.
by Bunny of Doom September 8, 2004
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Word used in fanfiction to denote homosexual pairings. Usually male/male, sometimes female/female AKA femmeslash.
Often used interchangeably with yaoi or yuri.
Slash originated in the early days of Star Trek fanfiction. Kirk/(slash)Spock.
Also very popular with Harry Potter shippers...Harry/Draco, Sirius/Lupin, Snape/Lucius, etc..
Sometimes referred to as "yummy slashy goodness"
See also: smut
I am warning you: this is slash! So, if you don't want to see two hot guys getting it on, don't read this fic. Harry/Draco
by Bunny of Doom September 7, 2004
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