207 definitions by Bungalow Bill

A tow truck capable of towing other super tow trucks
I saw a super tow truck towing another one. The two of them combined equaled the length of a big rig.
by Bungalow Bill October 19, 2001
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A tow truck so big that the natural curve of the earth causes it to teeter
The super tow truck looks like a see saw stretched from San Francisco to New York!
by Bungalow Bill October 19, 2001
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Multimedia content that is suitable for a workplace environment.
Caution. This Paris Hilton honeymoon video may not be work appropriate for all audiences.
by Bungalow Bill May 5, 2005
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an expression from about the 1950s meaning being in an excellent or ideal situation.
whoever wins this week's lotto will be made in the shade!
by Bungalow Bill January 20, 2005
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How about I give you $20 for a little ficky-fick?
by Bungalow Bill January 30, 2002
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the result of something through totally random circumstances - could refer to a situation either in someone's good luck or misfortune.
"I called that company and asked if they had any openings, and they told me they weren't hiring right now. But when I sent in my resume a few days later, they called me up and told me there's a position that would be perfect for my credentials. Hmmmm...luck of the draw I guess!"

"You mean to tell me that when you asked her to go with you to the dance, she said yes?? Geez....she told me she HATES going to those things! That's the luck of the draw for you!"
by Bungalow Bill September 15, 2006
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An expression meaning that certain aspects or traits of a person or people will stay the same and never change.
"If I didn't know any better, I'd say your family are dyed in the wool hard-core Christians."
by Bungalow Bill December 22, 2007
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