1 definition by BulletproofHeart

A New Jersey- born rock/alternative band formed in 2001 consisting of Gerard Way (Vocals), Ray Toro (Guitar), Mikey Way (Guitar), and Frank Iero (Guitar). They have a new drummer, but I forgot his name. Sorry! MCR's sound has moved from dark and hard core to violent pop. :) I like it. They have been getting crap from the press in the past for being a bad influence on listeners, but time and time again they have told their fans to get help if they're feeling depressed and to feel like they are never really alone. They got their name from a book by Irvine Welsh.

I Brought you My Bullets, You Brought me your love(2002)
Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge (2004)
The Black Parade (2006)
Danger Days: The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys (2010)
My Chemical Romance is freakin' amazing. They are not evil; I am a Christian, but I still like to rock!
by BulletproofHeart November 28, 2010
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