43 definitions by Buck

A term expressing collegial regard for a familiar acquaintance
by Buck August 18, 2003
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One who dominates another mans ass.
Can you go to the gym tonight, Bob? No sorry, my ass tyrant is going to call the butt pirates over.
by Buck October 19, 2003
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the act of staring one down, mainly directly in the eyes. not neccessarily bad or good. usually if you grill the opposite sex, it implies an interest in them, and if heterosexuals grill the same gender, it usually means they dont like them, are testing them, and wouldnt mind smacking the sh-t outa them.
good: "hey buck, that girl is GRILLIN you HARDCORE, go talk to her"

bad: "if that punk dont stop grillin, im'a see if he got a problem"
by Buck January 26, 2004
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Someone that is acting like an ass. Someone that is being annoying or did something stupid but mean, like a prank.
(After someone throws a penny at you) You lil fucker.
by Buck March 9, 2003
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Everything that is the imagination, alternate or otherwise. Derived from stoners and shrooms fanatics alike and their mindless drivle of the unknown infinity that their minds can express. Often thought of as 'crazy' or 'weird'.
Westhead. Person of alternative imagination
That was west. Situation/actions of person, leading to a perspective of unrealistic proportions.
Westness. Catagorisation of all that is west.
by Buck March 14, 2005
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Urban bastardization of Jeff or Geoff. Also called Jebbadiah, Jebb Jebbovich, Jebbazulu, and Jebbasaki.

One with a penschant for asian girls and anime.

Party animal and all around Technomancer who drives a ground-thumping beatbox of electronic sounds.

Probably the only person that keeps Tric from killing himself.
Jebb: "I do drugs from time to time, but I hasn't affected my schools yet. Crap..."

Jebb: "Let's smoke up and watch Passion of the Christ!"
by Buck May 30, 2004
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Hey buddy, you got any schnarf i can buy?
by Buck November 28, 2003
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