43 definitions by Buck

Ach! - exclaiming a point of disgust or disapointment.
Originated from the highlands of the Gingerland, sorry, I meant Scotland, ach!
ACH! Ach! Aaaaaaaaaaaach! Aa... aa... aaaaach! Ach! that caught my spudz!
Ach, mi'laddy
by Buck March 14, 2005
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To be of small quantity. Minute in size compared with other things of the same nature.
Originate from the depths of the stoner comunity in North Wales. used esp. by those that got skanked often by their dealers.
Shit man, thats a well flim deal!
His dick is well flim!
Dude sort us a flim bit on that doob!?
Flimhead! - to be small minded
by Buck March 14, 2005
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An idiot; Food spelled backwards; The sound associated with hitting another in the back of the head with your open palm.
"You are such a fuckin doof"

"Doof is food! Erere!"

"Grr... *doof* "
by Buck May 30, 2004
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The act of swinging out your hand and nearly slapping an Intermissions waitress in the crotch.
Buck: "Kevin, watch out, you almost gave that bitch a snatchclap!"

Kevin: "OMG I would have been in the roflcopter if I did."
by Buck February 18, 2005
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the part of the neck between the jaw and the throat
"you'd better shut up or i'll hit you in the gibbs!"
by Buck February 19, 2004
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Slang for guitar, otherwise used to describe string instruments.
Originated from a small village in North Wales known as Llanfa' (short for Llanfairfechan).
H'yo Stoiv, mind if I 'ave a go on your spangly'ding
by Buck March 14, 2005
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That Colon Monarch just tore me up like a Wendy's triple decker coming out the next day.
by Buck October 19, 2003
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