18 definitions by Bryant

Utah word for a "Chad"
That guy's a total Nick. Here he comes to talk to your girlfriend.
by Bryant June 17, 2006
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one who suffers from sever dumbness
I am sorry to inform you bryant that you suffer from the worst case of dumbfuqanitis I have ever seen
by Bryant March 13, 2003
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1:When your teacher gives you a detention for saying "cheetahlicious" one too many times.
2:Not cool.
1: After I said "cheetahlicious" enough times, my teacher gave me a detentionlicious.
2:Damn, that wipeout was detentionlicious.
3:That's a very detentionlicious stunt you pulled there!
by Bryant December 4, 2004
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A term most often associated with Paradise. A place where the beer flows like wine, where there isn't a female bust smaller than a c-cup and where everyone can get laid. (Except of course those who've lived in New Lennox)
Gorgeous girl #1:
Can you believe they're taking us to farmington?! I'm getting so hot just thinking about it.

Gorgeous girl #2
The biggest c*ck I'd ever seen was in Farmington and I'm not talking about the roosters!
by Bryant September 12, 2003
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