31 definitions by Brown Eyed Girl

Frum from birth. From religious and observant Jewish families.
She's a FFB. I don't think she would date an OTD guy like you.
by Brown Eyed Girl June 7, 2005
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1) Drug dealer or Street Pharmacist.

2) A dealer who usually deals marijuana and psyhadelics, such as acid and shrooms.
by Brown Eyed Girl May 30, 2005
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Charlie: Mike and his girlfriend have such a sweatpants relationship.
Will: Yeah, I know. they've broken up and gotten back together, at least ten times.
by Brown Eyed Girl May 29, 2005
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1) A small party after Jewish prayers that includes saying a small prayer over wine (or grape juice).
Dani: Are you going to the kiddush after the bris?
Tova: No, I can't. I have to go to work.
by Brown Eyed Girl June 6, 2005
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Really cracked. Under the influence of substances such as drugs and/or alcohol.
Tova: How was the party?
Steiner: Oh man! I got so gadzoobied!
Tova: Sounds like you had fun!
by Brown Eyed Girl July 12, 2005
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1) People who think their needs spiritually and/or religiously are more important then others around them, especially those who might need their help.

2) People who are self-centered it when it comes to spirituality or religion.

3) Also called spiritual masterbation.
Erica: I asked the advisors to helped me do shmirah, but they were to busy doing kiddush to be bothered.

Tova: I wish they would stop with their religious masterbation for once to actually do their job!
by Brown Eyed Girl June 6, 2005
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Slightly more frum or observant then a MO - Girl.
Randy: Tova, you have my stamp of approvel as an O-girl.
Tova: Yay!
by Brown Eyed Girl June 7, 2005
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