107 definitions by Brother Number One

a group of stoned out 1960s beatniks with long hair and beards smoking enough hemp to make them scoff back a 6ft long sandwich and shout abuse at The Government for corrupting society
John Turner of 117 park rd, Dunedin
by Brother Number One December 8, 2003
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March 17 - a Day to Drink as much piss as possible (notably Guinness) then fall over the floor swearing at your mates and the bartenders
by Brother Number One March 21, 2004
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A Pathetic no-talent bunch of wankplanks featuring a dirty slut as one of there "vocalists" They have no talent whatsoever and the female in the group gives the others free head when she knowns in reality shes a professional prostitute and cannot sing worth shit.
Black Eyed Peas need to die (esp Fergie that slut bitch of a ho)
by Brother Number One June 22, 2005
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"oi jason, the piggies are here, quick hide the plants dude, hide the fucken plants man"
by Brother Number One May 6, 2003
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are the fucken BEAST!!!! one of the best punk-rock bands ever.

by Brother Number One October 3, 2003
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