107 definitions by Brother Number One

A Character off the popular TV Show the simpsons rumoured to be based on Paul Pfeiffer from the Wonder Years Bart Simpsons best friend and is a target by neslon, jimbo and kearney
milhouse van houten
by Brother Number One December 6, 2003
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This Geezer who lives within 3 kilometres (and born 20KM) from where i live made famous for creating the most sleep inducing, majorly over-rated LOTR series.
ive got nothing against Peter jackson himself, his LOTR is just so majorly over-rated
by Brother Number One March 21, 2004
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an age group whos sole purpose in life is to be obsessed with sexual references, smart assing teachers and dressing up like a whore or a wannabe gangsta or wannabe punk. They listen to the most appalling noise ever theyc all "music" but in real life its a no-talent stripfest. Most often seen at high schools or working at Quacky Ds for a minimum wage. Have had there morals destroyed by the ZOG conspiracy.
I was a teenager 10 years ago and of all the stuff ive mentioned in my definition was "hip" then, then there was no doubt you'd be beaten, clubbed and stoned to death. Todays Teenagers lack the morals of those born a decade earlier.
by Brother Number One February 27, 2005
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a trashy dressing drunken slapper frequently found in bars and nightclubs who pick up guys on the dance floor, shag them, then dump them the next morning, considered the great satan by the author
by Brother Number One May 8, 2004
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1 - to describe any situation wher ethe pigs come and steal your weed and arrest u for it

2 - a crappy pop group
1 - dude, got busted for possession, im in jail come bail me out bro.

2 - Busted Suck
by Brother Number One December 8, 2003
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something that requires no talent to make as it only uses cheap shitty computer software and some blond bimbo slut or some batty boy preppie faggot male to "sing" the shitty lyrics some cocklord named Bjorn from Armenia wrote.

In fact it shouldnt even be legally defined as music Call it Horrible Talentless Noise
by Brother Number One December 8, 2003
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