7 definitions by BrotImWeltraum

Person 1: Hey its april 13th

Person 2: The day CPR was shut down?

Person 1: Yes!

Person 2: #SAVECPR

Person 1: #SAVECPR
by BrotImWeltraum April 14, 2022
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Someone who says things like "L" "Ratio" "you fell off" and thinks people take them as a human being... they're not .. kill them all
12 year old: Ratio+L

Me: kill yourself stupid 12 year old you aint a human
by BrotImWeltraum April 15, 2022
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when your not gay. but have a straight man crush on one guy.
"Dude, John is straight going purple for Ryan"
by BrotImWeltraum September 27, 2022
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A misspelling of the show "Greys anatomy"
Popularized by Eminem in his song "GOAT"
Person 1: So wanna go back to my place and watch some Greys Anatomy?
Person 2: You mean GAYS Anatomy?
by BrotImWeltraum July 4, 2022
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A Canadian city where people smoke so much weed, breathing in a bad neighborhood can make you stoned.
There's also a hobo shooting up heroin every 2 meters, Just avoid anywhere outside the highrise area. especially surrey.

Also good luck moving here. housing prices go BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
Person 1: Hey you hear Jake is moving to Vancouver
Person 2: very funny. nobody can afford that.
Person 1: well he's already a heroin addict so I think he fits the bill
by BrotImWeltraum June 30, 2022
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The day of legendary voice acotr, Rick May's death. Famous for playing the character "Soldier" from TF2. May you fly rick. "You were good son, real good. Maybe even the best"
Person 1:Hey man its april 8th

tf2 players: *Salute while a single tear falls down their face*
by BrotImWeltraum April 25, 2022
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