29 definitions by Brittany T

1.The state of being able to party 2. A description for Something, Or someone that is party worthy
1. These drugs will have you partyable in no time! 2.These drugs are the best! Way, partyable! (or,) That chick Amanda is really cool! Oh, and soo partyable!
by Brittany T April 17, 2008
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When you obsessively lust after a best friend's girl or guy, mother, or sister, brother or father. Or a girlfriend or boyfriend's best friend, mother, father, sister or brother. any situation that could cause a scandal if uncovered.
1. Man, I cant stop pictureing my bro's girl naked. I want her sooooo bad, and I wanna take her from him. I know, I know, it's scandalust... but I cant help it. She makes me CRAZY! 2. I Cant believe you are with the hottest guy in school, but all you do is sit around and have erotic day dreams about his 50 year old dad! Girl you gotta bad case of scandalust.
by Brittany T April 15, 2008
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If you wanna eat a happymeal and drink water, then go out with kenneth. On the other hand, if u want a good meal in a nice resturant, then do not call him. He is such a SCAB, and would never pay for any thing nice like that!
by Brittany T April 22, 2008
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See: frozen banana A frozen cherry is a frozen banana, but preformed on a girl, hence the "cherry" part of the word.
My boyfriend is so wild! He came home with a cherry slurpee, then before we got busy he gave me a frozen cherry..It was incredible!!
by Brittany T April 23, 2008
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A term to desbribe the act of sipping a frozen beverage such as a milkshake and keeping it in your mouth while going down on a guy.
My boyfriend andrew is so satisfied with me. Lastnight we went to jack in the box, and I got a vanilla shake. When we got home, I gave him a frozen banana. It drove him crazy!
by Brittany T April 22, 2008
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1. A term to describe someone who is constant and obsessive about picking scabs on themselves or others. 2. Someone who participates in dangerous activities and continues even though they have suffered numerous injuries. 3. An act that causes a person to become injured, or make existing injuries worse.
1. Jeremy can not be on television in only his speedo. He is a serious scab juicer, and his arms and legs are covered with puss filled, oozing sores.(or,) I do not want Dante making my sandwich. He's been scab juiceing again, and he does not wash his hands. 2. Boy, Jerry is stupid ! He keeps on skating the huge half pipe, but is always falling, and bustin' open his old scabs all over again. What a scab juicer! 3. I don't know,! That roof to roof jump with the two story gap in the middle looks like a huge scab juicer!
by Brittany T April 22, 2008
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A derogatory name to call someone, (or,) can be used in a statement as a thing to be consumed
1. My boss was looking to hire a new intern, and of course I applied. But Allison being the scab juice that she is, shredded my resume, and submitted her own instead. 2. Drink scab juice, and die!
by Brittany T April 22, 2008
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