111 definitions by Brittany

"your hair is messy",said bob

"peetapottaputta",said you!
by Brittany March 8, 2005
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sleeping pill. if too many are taken you hallucinate and see things such as 'little concrete men' and the room moves in weird dirrections'. you may also not be able to walk without falling and looking funny and you may slur your words. its hard to remember anything..usually only a couple of small unimportant memories can be remembered.
'hey man...lets be queerbaits and go get trashed on some fucking AMBIEN! WHOOO'
by Brittany March 29, 2005
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- amazingly cool kid
- a club founded by amanda
"your such an ack!!"
by Brittany January 7, 2005
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Did you get the 8th I wanted?
How much do you want to smoke at 4:20?
It's 4:20, we need to get that 8th that we've been talking about for over a week now. 4:20 SMOKERS HERE WE COME!
by Brittany February 6, 2004
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Term given to one named Brittany!
You stupid Skank Basket!!!
by Brittany February 11, 2005
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a ghetto way of getting someone's attention in a hallway. first said by a black guy in a mchs hallway, and thought cool by kellie n brittany
by Brittany April 17, 2005
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a ghetto way of getting someone's attention in a hallway. said first by a random black guy at middle creek high school. thought to be cool by kellie and brittany.
"Hakuna Matata Motha Fucka. Wait for me!"
by Brittany April 16, 2005
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