23 definitions by Boxcar Bob

Hot, dry winds in Southern California that come from the desert, most common during fall or winter. They bring very low humidity, world class visibility, and perfect weather, until they incite arsonists to start fires, which the winds spread at explosive rates.
While New York was suffering with a mid-January blizzard, the Santa Ana winds came to Southern California and brought gorgeous 85 degree weather and deep blue skies to San Diego, at which point an arsonist scumbag started a fire that burned 750000 acres and 500 homes.
by Boxcar Bob October 29, 2006
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A device which insecure people waste money on because they are afraid their sacred, shiny cars will be stolen. Since about 99.9% of car alarms are false alarms, however, the owners eventually forget why they got the alarm in the first place, and get used to their cars crying wolf after a few occurrences.

Occasionally this will encourage angry neighbors to do whatever they can to put themselves and these useless devices out of their misery. This may include vandalizing the offending cars until they can disarm the screeching, honking, blaring whiners. Therefore, car alarms actually lead to more damage than good, and are one of the most foolish inventions in the history of mankind.
For the fiftieth time in two weeks, the car alarm went off triggered by a bird who perched itself on the trunk, which caused a neighbor to get a baton and whack the offending automobile until he was able to get to the alarm and break it in two. Five minutes later, as the commercial break arrived during the action thriller movie, the car owner came out. Suddenly he realized that the alarm he had originally came to stop was no longer blaring away. He then saw the damage to his precious luxury and fainted.
by Boxcar Bob February 24, 2008
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A virus related to COVID-19 that affects both sides of the political spectrum. Symptoms are either intense overreaction or extreme ignorance.
Moronavirus patient #1: How dare you step outside your house. We need to keep locked down until we find a vaccine.
Response: Really? Do you realize over 25% of the population could die from poverty, stress, or suicide if we do that?
Moronavirus patient #2: COVID-19 is a hoax. Let's go out and party, party, party.
Response: What's wrong with you? My friend died of COVID-19. Do you want to keep us shut down forever and get orher people sick?
by Boxcar Bob May 27, 2020
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Covetous Broadcasting System. So called because they require large fees from cable and satellite companies to air their channels. If these companies refuse to pay their ridiculous fees, CBS will black their channel out until they pay the greedy snobs their insane prices. They have done this before to Dish and now to DirecTV.

Also they will move their most popular programs to CBS All Access, which costs extra money to watch programs online even if you do have their regular channel.
CBS, the Covetous Broadcasting System has lost many viewers due to their blackouts and extra fees, but they have not learned their lesson.
by Boxcar Bob July 25, 2019
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A bird who never sleeps, imitates other birds and animals, car horns, and whatnot, and doesn't shut up all night long, just because it is looking for a mate.

They can be recognized by their song: 'Chirrup chirrup chirrup tweet tweet tweet beep beep beep twirrup twirrup twirrup weet weet weet honk honk honk cheep cheep cheep bereep bereep bereep ...'
After being kept awake for 10 nights by the non-stop singing of the stupid mockingbird in the tree outside my bedroom, I lit up a stick of dynamite to blow up the tree and kill the annoying critter for good.
by Boxcar Bob November 5, 2006
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USSA stands for Union of Socialist States of America. It's what the United States will become if the progressives take full control of all 3 branches of the government.
Progressive: I hate America. I hate capitalism. We need to become like the USSR.
Republican: No we cannot let that happen, we cannot become socialist. We cannot become the USSA. Most of the people will suffer. Look at Venezuela.
Progressive: You racist bigot. You climate change denier. You need to be locked up for your beliefs. Equality for everyone, even if it means giving up your hard earned money to people who don't want to work. It's USSA or we all die from global warming.
by Boxcar Bob March 13, 2019
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A hypocritical Democrat or liberal. They became quite noticeable after their dear, sweet scandal-plagued Hillary lost the 2016 Presidential election to Donald Trump. Despite their claims to be tolerant of all people, they hate Trump with a passion and will never accept him as President. Some of them also hate all conservatives. They are blind to their own faults as well as those of Obama and Hillary. They believe Hillary is entitled to be President just because she is a woman.
Example 1
Hillary: (To Trump) If I win and you refuse to accept the election results, that is an unprecedented threat to Democracy.
Democrite: I fully agree with her statement.
(After Hillary loses)
Democrite: (E-Mail to red state Electoral College member) Hillary won the popular vote. You better vote for Hillary or I will kill you.

Example 2
Democrite: Hillary was treated unfairly by the media before the election.
Republican: Are you kidding me? The pro Clinton media made Trump the devil and dismissed nearly every bad thing about Hillary. She was a horrible candidate.
Democrite: That is not true. Russian hacking cost her the election.

Example 3
Democrite: How could you vote for Trump, you racist, sexist, xenophobic, homophobic, Islamophobic bigot?
Republican: I am not a bigot. Hillary committed crimes which the media would not mention.

Democrite: That's a lie. She loves all kinds of people. Love Trumps hate.
Repubilican: She also supports the murder of unborn babies.
Democrite: An unborn baby is not a person, stupid.
Republican: You wouldn't be here today if your mother aborted you.
by Boxcar Bob January 17, 2017
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