23 definitions by Boxcar Bob

A more alliterative and shameful way to describe a losing streak
Phil: The 76ers of the NBA have lost 15 in a row and the games were not even close!
Mike: Yes, they are in quite a sucking streak right now!
by Boxcar Bob March 8, 2014
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A process in which arrogant recruiters deny themselves the benefits of many talented, capable, candidates due to an unfair screening process that in absolutely no way reflects the everyday job situation or assesses the skills required to succeed.
A talented person who had produced major growth in his previous company and had 5 years of experience in C# got a rejection after a job interview in which the recruiter said he was not skilled enough to do the job. This was because they asked questions on language concepts that are rarely used in C# and gave a brainteaser algorithm to code up in a 15 minute time limit without a compiler or computer.
by Boxcar Bob April 29, 2008
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Extremely annoying late spring to early summer (and sometimes all summer long) weather phenomenon in coastal Southern California that causes relentless, damp, dreary, miserable weather with drizzle and fog for weeks without end at the beaches. It sometimes spreads into the mountains. This shocks tourists who come to 'sunny Southern California' to instead find themselves in Alaska. It spoils beach days a'plenty and for most locals is the most dreaded time of the year. Number 1 cause for Seasonal Affective Disorder in Southern California. A.k.a. May Gray.
Tourist from East Coast: We're going to sunny Southern California to celebrate Memorial Day and the start of summer.
(Tourist arrives in San Diego)
Tourist: What's up with this stupid weather. Where is the sun?
Local: This is our June Gloom. We've just entered into winter in San Diego. You'll be very lucky if you see the sun at all the next month.

by Boxcar Bob May 25, 2007
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Not in agreement with progressive leftist policies.
Sane person: Climate change is real, but the world will not end by 2030 if we don't adopt the Green New Deal.

Progressive: You stupid racist.

Republican: Capitalism is better than socialism and much better than Communism
Progressive: No, capitalism is racist and racism is capitalism.
Traditional liberal: Like MLK, I long for the day when people will be judged by the content of their character rather than the color of their skin.

Progressive: You are a bigoted racist.
by Boxcar Bob June 27, 2021
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A mortgage company whose Internet ads are so annoying, intrusive, some almost criminally insane, that they actually produce the opposite effect of what they are meant to accomplish: loss of business and customers.
Person 1: When I go to Yahoo, I sometimes have to refresh the page 4 or 5 times before I can concentrate.
Person 2: Must be those ads from lowermybills.com.
Person 1: Right! From ugly 30-foot-long dogs, to sexually explicit animations, to irritating dancing silhouttes, I just want to make one animation with all their ad designers being blown off a cliff.
by Boxcar Bob November 22, 2006
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A noisy car that sounds exactly like a loud motorcycle.
VROOM VROOM VROOM VROOM VROOM VROOM VROOM! Arggh! It's another noisy motorcycle, I mean car, I mean cartorcycle. Obviously the douchebag driver wants some attention as he think he's really cool.
by Boxcar Bob July 28, 2019
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A blah guy who sometimes fills in for supermodel hottie Ashley Russell on Yahoo Sports Minute and Rivals Minute.
When he fills in, it is a major disappointment for many, including non-sports fans, who watch the videos solely to admire and drool over the sexy blonde.
The young man opened up Rivals Minute one morning, prepared to enjoy the stunning beauty of Ashley Russell, only to find that Blair Johnson was filling in for her. "I hate when that guy fills in for her", he said. "How dare she take a day off?"
by Boxcar Bob July 3, 2009
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