22 definitions by Boss

something worse than having your sac ripped open by a pack of starving hyenas
I have to go to work.
by Boss June 4, 2003
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You best not be fuckin' wit dat muddafuga 'cause Ize sure he be UAB
by Boss April 9, 2005
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A natural proclivity to say "Happy days" and take it up the japanese flag on a regular basis.
"That lovering doesn't half say happy days a lot"
by Boss March 17, 2003
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A rat or someone who will tell it. Someone who has to leave a yard(prison)or take P.C.(protective custody) because they are a rat or they are in trouble with other inmates.
"That ratty lil punk ass bitch is a catch out from every yard he's been on"
by Boss May 9, 2005
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In prison, usually a weak young white male who is in the max joint for the first time. Other, more established inmates turn him into their sex slave for various reasons. Mainly because he is white and weak.
damn! T Bone done turn that pretty boy into his punk. Wish I could git a biatch like that!
by Boss March 1, 2004
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Construction site bathroom, also known as a "blue house" or port-a-john.
The laborer had too many tacos the nite before so he relieved himself in the Mexican Spaceship.
by Boss June 18, 2006
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