11 definitions by Bosco

A new party drug that laces ecstasy with ex-lax, in which highly pleasurable feelings arise from uncontrollable bowels. Popular with bulimics.
Adam- Hey brah, why have you been in the bathroom so long? You're missing the party!

Ryan- Dude I took some Exlaxtasy and brought the party here!

Adam- ...Can I score some of that?
by Bosco August 2, 2012
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The worst kind of ugliness. Ugly beyond belief.
"I been called ugly, fugly, pug fugly but never ugly ugly" - Moe Sizlak
by Bosco May 14, 2004
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Really bad or Bren-like.
The smell of that, Bren! That was unctious.
by Bosco May 14, 2004
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Cross between the words cunt and minger. Used to describe a women that is a complete bitch and a complete minger.
Look at the head on that munter!
by Bosco May 14, 2004
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Word meaning awesome or brilliant. Usually used when Dave pots a ball and screws back 3 lengths of the pool table.
That's mustanical!
by Bosco May 14, 2004
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a demoralizing racial slur used to put down people of Japanese background. equal to calling an asian person a chink or a black person a nigger.
by Bosco March 30, 2005
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