32 definitions by Boris

A Person who smokes a lot of blunts and drinks a lot of alcohol.
jane: wow that kid drank and smoked so much he died
john: he must have been a lil banchero
by Boris September 17, 2003
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The fat yank won't get off the sofa
by Boris July 14, 2003
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An OS that runs servers a lot more fucking stable than Windows. By the way Windows fucks, RH9 is pretty damn simple to install. You can try it, or you can be amazed at the pretty icons Windows offers you.
Linux > Windows
People who can't use Linux should have their computers confiscated.

By the way, I hate you all.
by Boris August 16, 2003
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A half-finished piece of shit for an operating system that's a pain in the ass to install, a pain in the ass to use, and a pain in the ass to remove from the hard drive.

On the bright side, Linux makes an excellent disk partitioning tool.

If Linux was designed primarily for network servers, then it doesn't make any sense to market it as a desktop replacement, especially if the applications suck, and hardware detection is nonexistent.
I wasted half of a 14 CDs of a 25-CD spindle on 9 variants of Linux. 6 of them didn't work because the computer shut down when the installation detected my video card. 2 variants wouldn't detect my soundcard, modem, USB scanner, and USB drive. Driver installation didn't do jack shit to solve the problem. The ninth variant detected my modem and USB drive, but kept playing this wierd, chaotic, repeating tune through my soundcard. Unfortunately, there were no sound drivers to resolve the issue.

Windows 98 beta detected all my hardware, and driver installation was a cakewalk.

Thank GOD I bought my CDs cheap from Big Lots. But still that was a waste of CDs that I could have filled with the best freeware available for Windows.

May the Linux programmers burn in Hell.
by Boris March 2, 2005
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