2 definitions by Boomin' Granny

(n.) 1. a combination of granola, raisins, M&Ms, etc. that tastes like a dirt path: usually eaten by hippies and ravers; 2. a combination of Viagra and Ecstasy that tastes like a dirt path but gives you a 10-hour boner: usually eaten by hippies and ravers.
1. I had some trail mix and my penis fell off.
2. I had some trail mix and my penis fell off.
by Boomin' Granny April 22, 2003
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n. the infamous erection pill for men who can't get it up (either due to old age or their spouse); see also: Bob Dole
I mixed Viagra with Ecstasy (a.k.a. trail mix) and my penis fell off
by Boomin' Granny April 22, 2003
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