1 definition by Boomchicaaa

The name of a girl who is beautiful, strong, humorous, and intelligent. She is one who is overall very beautiful. She is tall, long blonde hair, and perfect features everyone wants. Lizzie is very gorgeous, and can get all the guys when walking into a room. She is drop dead hot who everyone wants to be. Lizzie is the type of person who lights up the whole world with her gorgeous smile, caring personality, and beautiful soul. Her warm heart lights up the darkest room and fills the room with happiness. She cares for everyone and is very kind hearted, if you have her for a friend you are by far the luckiest person. Lizzie is the type of person who likes to have fun, and is carefree, she doesn't care what anyone thinks. Lizzie can make you laugh for hours with her humorous personality. She is a very loyal friend to all her friends, and would drop everything at the second if you need help. She cares for everyone and is sweet to everyone she meets. She is shy at first, but when you get to know her she has a good time.

If you ever get to find a Lizzie, make sure to keep her! You will never be able to let her go, and you will fall in love with her personality.
Wow, she sure is beautiful, and smart, she must be a Lizzie.

I have the most amazing friend, her name is Lizzie.
by Boomchicaaa August 18, 2017
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