59 definitions by Boggler

That strange feeling that you've been through the same, horrible shit before.
by Boggler July 14, 2019
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(n). Nipples protruding through a woman's shirt, blouse, swimsuit or other undergarment, esp. when working out or on a hot day.
Hey mike, did you get a load of that bra braille that just walked past us? Wow.
by Boggler July 26, 2005
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(n). The cumulative advertisements for Pro Life, anti-abortion
viewpoints, found in the forms of bumper stickers on back of cars, billboards near churches, posters on bulletin boards, etc.
I was driving in traffic when I pulled up behind a car full of ProLifeEration statements.
by Boggler October 3, 2007
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I really hanging out with Alex. It's too bad that I found out that he was a major manure salesman.
by Boggler October 23, 2005
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(n). A very stocky, well cut, well oiled, well tanned male, usually wearing a tank top, often found pressing more than 350 pounds at the gym. Likes to walk in circles, looking himself in the mirror. Quite often does no cardio workout--muscles are purely for SHOW. See Pec Poser.
While at the gym today, I saw this TGG (Testosterone Gym Gorilla) pumping weights, snorting and groaning like a bull on crack having sex.
by Boggler February 9, 2005
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A girl's/woman's breasts, esp. those of a very busty woman.
Look at the set of double lattes on that chick!
by Boggler March 10, 2004
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(double u rx er). a wanker that drives a subaru wrx. Thinks that he is going to get all the hot chicks driving a four cylinder that sounds like a Eureka vaccuum crossed with a hornet's nest.
Oh no, step aside I see and hear a wrxer. Better roll out the red carpet for Monsieur Douchebag.
by Boggler July 15, 2019
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