42 definitions by Bobo

pawell is a small aquaic rodent. originated in poland, migrated to the northern united states. its high-pitched squeals can be heard from kilometers away. its fur is very long and blond. approach with eaar-plugs, and extreame caution.
dude, its pawel.cover you're ears and, RUN!!!
by Bobo April 8, 2005
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The buttery substance that forms over your jugglet which grows soggy and moist over time, causing your jugglet to smell like the ass and cheesey tomatoes.(see Jugglet )
Kevin McDonlad has tons of pounds of Jugglet butter on his jugglet.
by Bobo March 14, 2005
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When BoBo goes FILTHEE MCNASTY NASTY all over the court
Wizz Kid dishes' a sick no-look behind the back pass to NO NAMES NECESSARY or a crazy between the defenderS leg spin-pass to PAY YOUR FEE
by Bobo April 6, 2004
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To think Ed is a cool guy who is cooler than all of his geeky golf buiddies put together.
If you understoop, then you must be a fore eyed geek too!
by Bobo March 18, 2003
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by Bobo November 9, 2004
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a womans breast. plural: tatas. A derivitive of tit.
Her tatas were huge.
I saw her tata last night.
by Bobo October 26, 2004
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A tall, blonde girl who trips and breaks things a lot. 'likes everything andy likes.'
Did you hear about Bobo? She fell down the stairs!
by Bobo December 8, 2003
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