121 definitions by Bobby

A word originating from the play Anything Goes where the cast sings a song called "Blow Gabriel". Of course this refers to a blow job.
by Bobby December 7, 2004
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insulting someone
referring to them as what you wipe the cum off with
Yo cumwipe stop being retarded
by Bobby April 1, 2005
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Home to Miss World 1943.
Mother of Steven Adams.
This lady looks older than she is. Hence 1943, She looks older than her mutha.
by Bobby November 16, 2004
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An old car that used to be manufactured in Iran.

A very ugly car!!
A piece of shit!
A car that can still kill a civic in a 500 meter drag!
Ricer 1 - Dude that paykan beet me in my new turbo charaged v-tec engine civic!!

Ricer 2 - Wow he must have alot of stickers on it! Let go put more stickers so our car goes faster 2!!!!
by Bobby March 3, 2004
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The Cannabis city of the UK.
Stockport where they have real Cannabis and not imitation, soapbar hash. Stockport. The land of the free.
We have 8 skunk and 3 hash,
3 Cannabis cafes, no hookers.
by Bobby April 20, 2004
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Get fucken huge

How powerlifters eat
"Hey man, my bench wont go up"

"Start eatin GFH"
by Bobby July 27, 2004
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one who humps bunkers.
That george is such a bunkahumpa.
by Bobby November 30, 2003
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