11 definitions by Bob_the_Patriot

Another Smear word created by the Far Right to demonize liberals. In the case of this baseless term, it is used to describe liberals as being hypicritical without looking at all the facts. If one was to dig deeper they would find that Liberals would jump at the chance to use a less polluting form of travel.
Since this a term created by Rush Limbaugh not all the facts where considered.
see Conservative Sucker Punch
Before you use a term like Lear Jet Liberal why don't you research all the facts and not make assumptions. Even though many Big politcal and enviromental advicates used private jets they would be the first to use a jet that did not use up so much fuel. The manufactures would make mopre fuel effishent jets.
by Bob_the_Patriot November 11, 2007
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Another way to refer to Liberalism.
Classical Liberalism laid the foundation for Democracy and Modern Liberalism help improve it.
Very few people know of Democracy's Foundation.
by Bob_the_Patriot January 17, 2008
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A rabid Social Conservative that believes that their views and morals are superior and should be reflected in every level of society.
Among other things their disdain for the Constitution beyond themselves is a particular characteristic.
They are also known to play the victim to gain sympathy.
Bob was disgusted at the Social Nazis wild accusation that he was persecuting them
by Bob_the_Patriot May 26, 2008
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What Neo-Cons and their supporters accuses people who disagree with their disastrous foreign policy of.

Defeatism is a frame word that is thrown around with no knowledge of the person who's being accused of it.

Often used by Pro-War Supporters who in denial that..

1. That Iraqs WMD claim were fabricated
2. Deny that this is part of a Growing war over the last non-renewable resources.
3. Deny the current status that Iraq is in and continue to get angry at anyone who tells them otherwise
Labeling someone that disagrees with you as having Defeatism is cowardly. It's best to turn away from these kind of political Sucker Punches.
by Bob_the_Patriot November 14, 2007
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