29 definitions by Bob Proczko

Like a flapper, but slightly more advanced. A young girl who is not inclined to get out and walk. A girl who is shyly open to advances.
Catch a peep at that little beasel. I'd bet that she hasn't any bunions!
by Bob Proczko October 16, 2006
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A scandal-walker, a young man who attempts to go too far with his dates. A lothario.
Eunice, keep away from that barney. If you don't let him pet he makes you get out and walk.
by Bob Proczko October 16, 2006
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Complementary adjective describing a young man who supplies cigarettes.
Be big hearted and butt me, whon't you?
by Bob Proczko October 16, 2006
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Peachy, very nice, the berries, excellent, fine, beautiful, very good.
by Bob Proczko October 16, 2006
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VERY ATTRACTIVE! Generallly in reference to the female of the species.
Feast your peepers on Mabel! That little Barlow is AIR TIGHT!
by Bob Proczko October 16, 2006
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1920's, Dollars, berries, or jack, money, particularly pieces of currency.
Hand over the boffos, Al, I need to get to the bank before it closes.
by Bob Proczko October 16, 2006
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Expletive, meaning nonsense, buncombe, or bunk. Exclamation of disbelief.
Henry claims that his flivver will break sixty. APPLE SAUCE!
by Bob Proczko October 16, 2006
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