6 definitions by BlueScholar

italians are filthy greasy womanizers who cant even go to the library and pry open a book with their little sausage fingers and see the beauty of other cultures instead of stereotypically judging all of them. stupid wop dagos.
Italian: you fucking looking at me?
by BlueScholar March 20, 2010
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Means -- Rolling On The Fucking Floor Fucking Laughing My Fucking Ass Off Out Fucking Loud.
Person 1: (Says something funny)

by BlueScholar May 14, 2010
a hispanic ethnicity in the caribbean. usually of african descent.
i am puerto rican so i am probably african.
by BlueScholar August 3, 2010
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The theory that the more effort you put in to fapping, the greater the orgasm you will achieve.
If you want that 30 minute long orgasm, you have to work for it. That's what fapitalism is all about.
by BlueScholar March 25, 2015
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