31 definitions by Bloodbath 87

A phrase screamed/growled/sung/spoken in a hardcore song before the breakdown.
"This Lying World" by Unearth has a generic yet awesome mosh call, the vocalist just says "ahhhhh breakdown" before the breakdown.
by Bloodbath 87 April 21, 2009
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A word meaning the same thing as whore, slut, prostitute, hooker, etc. The only difference is that it is much more hilarious than those other words.
My sister is a harlot. The reason behind this is that she has sexual relations with many men.
by Bloodbath 87 March 6, 2009
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The most famous fantasy novel in human history.
The Bible isn't even that good, LOTR is a much better fantasy novel. The Bible is quite stupid and contradicts itself a lot. I think a retard wrote it.
by Bloodbath 87 March 6, 2009
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Similar to masturbation but much better. It's performed by inserting your penis into a woman's vagina.

The vagina is located between the woman's legs. You can't miss it.

by Bloodbath 87 March 6, 2009
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A "celebrity" who was on Big Brother. Apparently most people hated her and continued hating her until she got cancer. Terminal cancer. As of this writing she has been given only a few days to live.
Jade Goody will die any day now.
by Bloodbath 87 March 8, 2009
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The most shitty, garbage, piece of trash band ever. AC/DC is a band for fat jocks, old people, and 13 year olds who like old music just because it's old.
AC/DC makes me want to stab pencils into my ears.
by Bloodbath 87 March 7, 2009
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Brosephina is a nickname for your gay bro.
Your gay bro: Hehe, hey bro, i'm going to go buy the new Jonas Brothers album!
You: Whatever Brosephina.
by Bloodbath 87 March 6, 2009
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