31 definitions by Bloodbath 87

A company that sells hot girls in slightly funny shirts.
I just ordered two insanely hot girls from Busted Tees. When they get here we're going to sex it up.
by Bloodbath 87 March 7, 2009
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Verb. To take a completely random word and give it a sexual/gross meaning. You can literally do this to every imaginable word.

This got its meaning from the popular site "Urban Dictionary", you may have heard of it.

On this site people have a habit of giving random words sexual or gross meanings and acting like said meaning is a popular usage of it, when in reality it's just something they made up 5 minutes ago.
Dude, i'm so bored. I'm going to Urban Dictionary some words.

Cat - To get a blowjob right after taking a piss.

by Bloodbath 87 March 4, 2009
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A device that was originally created for contacting someone over long distances without much effort.

Today, there are many variations of the phone but most of them do every stupid thing that you don't need it to do. Because of this, the corporations jack the price up to inhumane levels.

It's still possible to get a normal phone which does what it was originally intended to do but if you have one your friends will make fun of you.
I got this new phone and could not figure out how to make a call on it. I could, however, summon a giant robot and arm a nuke fairly easily.
by Bloodbath 87 March 6, 2009
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Something that you pull over your head when trying to kill yourself.
Wal-Mart gives away plastic bags for free as part of their plot to have everyone kill themselves easier.
by Bloodbath 87 March 7, 2009
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When two men have had sex with the same woman/women, they become weiner cousins. This is a bond that can never be broken.
We're weiner cousins now, that means we're closer than brothers.
by Bloodbath 87 April 23, 2009
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When you kick a woman in the vagina so hard that your foot gets stuck in it.
I gave this girl a super vagina kick and my entire foot got stuck in there. I managed to pull my foot out but my shoe is still in there somewhere.
by Bloodbath 87 March 6, 2009
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The greatest show of all time. Actually, the greatest anything of all time. Some people don't like Lost but that's because they're not smart enough to follow the complex storylines.
Pregnant Wife: The baby is coming!

Me: Sorry honey, Lost is on tonight. I don't have time to deal with the baby.

Pregnant Wife: What? Are you serious?!?! Help!

Me: Sorry, nothing takes priority over Lost.
by Bloodbath 87 March 6, 2009
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