38 definitions by Blenderhead91

The condition in which a person is afflicted by an inability to be amused by certain cognitive experiences. Somebody who does not find jokes or situations that tend to make others smile or break into laughter is considered to have an undescended sense of humor.An inability to perceive what is comical. Magic mushrooms or marijuana are widely considered to be treatments for this condition.
Rodney is such a tool. He didn't even break into a chuckle when we saw that comedian with all the big dick jokes. Why we hang out with somebody who has an undescended sense of humor is beside me.
by Blenderhead91 March 31, 2009
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(n.) A thick, foul-smelling substance the consistency of cupcake frosting produced by a woman's yeast-infected or grievously unwashed vagina. Pussy paste tends to collect around the labia in the form of clumps. Shed pubic hairs may or may not be present in the pussy paste stalactites, but when it is, it lends a certain aspect of visual horror to their appearance. It is widely accepted that pussy paste smells similar to the shithouse on a tuna boat.
I really like Susan, but her pussy paste problem is just too much to handle without a gas mask.
by Blenderhead91 March 31, 2009
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(n.) The act of discovering the presence of corn in one's bowel movement when you know it's been a long time since you have eaten any corn.
"Hey Liddy! Check out this floater I just pinched off! It's a corn surprise! When was it we last had corn?"
by Blenderhead91 March 31, 2009
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(n.) a towel (or other piece of material such as an article of clothing left in the bathroom by a roomie or sibling) purpose-dedicated to drying the area between one's genitals and rectum and the rectum itself (also the region between the scrotum and the thigh). The towel is grasped in one hand in front of the body, and one hand behind and pulled back and forth vigorously, as if flossing one's teeth, but on a larger and smellier scale.

(v.) to floss one's crotch, using a towel as described above. Telltale evidence is usually left on a towel used for crotch flossing: brown skid marks.
Doug used Jane's tanktop as crotch floss, since she insists upon leaving her clothing on the bathroom floor.
by Blenderhead91 April 8, 2009
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(n.) a pseudonym for a gigantic cock; an abnormally large penis.
I wish that little honey would come over here and slob on my lap cannon.
by Blenderhead91 March 31, 2009
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The realization that usually occurs around thirty-five, and most typically in men who have been circumsized (it's generally unheard of in women), that your foreskin is gone, it isn't coming back, and that you miss it. Complete mental breakdowns have been attributed to this disorder (which is found in the DSM-IV-R).
Biff: Doctor Rob, what am I gonna do? I miss it so much...It's just too hard to go on without it. Is there any way to help me? Can we maybe find it on the internet?

Doctor Rob: Somehow, Biff, i doubt your foreskin is living a successful and happy life in the suburbs of Cleveland. I'm sure it more likely found its way to the hospital incinerator shortly after you were born. You've got delayed foreskin separation anxiety disorder, and I'm prescribing Paxil and Diazapam. They should help you out.
by Blenderhead91 April 27, 2010
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