164 definitions by Blah

A bird that is thought to be extinct by the majority of humans. In reality, they are building huge weapons of mass destruction in the underworld and are waiting for the perfect time to attack the human race. They are always watching us when our backs are turned, but if we turn around, they are suddenly gone due thanks to their amazing speed.
"The time has come to surrender without any form of fighting to our new masters. ALL HAIL THE DODO!"
by Blah December 28, 2005
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A cheesy motherfucker with thinning hair because he combs it too much and a dog of a girlfriend/sister called a "Stella". They wear a lot of GOLD...be it the color of their velour pants, their fake rolex or their shoes. Guidos love bling bling but not the right kind. Guidos are always catholic and love their mommas. Guidos have big noses and beedy eyes.
My dad is truly and Irish Guido.
by Blah March 23, 2005
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shes a preppy little biotch
hey, do u know deeanna destedafuck?
yea i do she sucks ass
by Blah March 22, 2005
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a crack pot kid that thinks he's a wizard
by Blah September 17, 2003
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that ugly ghetto brand thats stuff all looks like sweatpants/shirts
eew, south pole is ghetto.
by Blah April 14, 2004
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What my ex boyfriend used to refer to as his dick.
Watch out... there's a cyclopse under the covers.
by Blah October 5, 2004
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