35 definitions by Blackstump

1. An insult ecompassing everything from a sad passing comment to an all-out disgruceful comment.
2. To be let down or deflated; to have one's ego crushed; to come out of a situation with absolutely nothing
3. Synonmous with urh shit
4. (Another way to use this insult, is when someone makes a sad joke, you repeat exactly what they say but turn the vowel sound in the main word/concept of their joke into an 'urh' sound).
Definition 1:
Guy: Killara, Like, to Kill ara? Killara?
Dude: Urh.
Definition 2:
Dude: ...Then she told me she had a boyfriend.
Guy: Urh, Poor guy. Sorry to hear that timme
Definition 3:
(Replace urh with urh shit)
Definition 4:
Dude: Like its a ferrari.
Guy: *Mockingly* Like its a fer-URH-i
by Blackstump November 14, 2003
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1. Alchohol; booze; Happy juice
2. A code word for Alchohol; usually said by underage drinkers when Parents are in the room
3. The ticket to Happiness
Definition 1:
Guy: This party is really lamo...we could do with some Fonz
Dude: I agree
Definition 2:
Dude: Hey man, where did ya keep the fonz?
Man: Uh, its under my bed, right next to the wilderness and the sceptre.
Definition 3:
Dude: *With Fonz* Its time for Happe Days!
*Glug glug glug glug*
I'm sooo happe!!
by Blackstump November 16, 2003
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1. To have consumed 4 - 5 standard drinks; to be socially acceptably drunk
2. The only way to truly enjoy a party.
Dude: Hey man! Enjoying the party?
Man: *Slightly slurring* Oh I'm very happy to be here, thank you.
by Blackstump November 14, 2003
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1. excellent; something that turns out to be profitable; To be lucky or fortuitous
2. To have mischevious intent; what one says when a prank is ready.
Definition 1:
Guy: Hey dude, I found a back entrance to this Strip Club!
Dude: Excesneef
Definition 2:
Guy: Alright, I have the rubber, video cameras, and balaclavas. Let's get that bitch.
Dude: Excesneef.
by Blackstump November 16, 2003
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1. An expression when something is particular violent, or aggressive.
2. Closely related to the word shnruff, though lesser in potency.
3. An affectionate term; a petname
4. Deeegeeeneeraation of Snuff
5. An exclamation or expression used when something was rather unexpected or astonishing. Similar to Bleugh
Definition 1:
Mr. X: So i bought this 12inch knife the other day...
Mr Y: ...Sneef.
Definition 2:
Mr. X: yeah so I totally stacked it on the stairs...
Mr. Y: Sneef! you alright?
Definition 3:
Mr X: Hey man, what's up?
Mr. Y: Oh hey Sneef...neethin.
Definition 4:
Mr. X: Shit, you've seen Snuff before?
Mr. Y: For God's sake, its Sneef now! Sneef! (Deee Grouuup Deee Grouuup!)
Definition 5:
Mr. X: Yeah so, I was munchin' on her tail pipe, and out pops a piece of corn...
Mr. Y: Sneef! Thats gross man!
by Blackstump November 11, 2003
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1.An expression of elation; to be pleased with oneself; a sense of orgiastic achievement;
2.To be sexually aroused
3.A slang word for an attractive female, similar to chick or babe
Definition 1:
Guy: I got 89% in my History Essay!
Dude: Darm! Good stuff!
Definition 2:
*Girl giving you head*
Dude: Darm! Keep blowing!
Definition 3:
*Hot chick walks by*
Dude: Darm! Thats a fine ass!
by Blackstump November 12, 2003
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1. What you say to your parents when you get arrested for intoxication while in public.
by Blackstump November 14, 2003
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