29 definitions by Blackflame619

P_P #1: Yeah I just robbed a turtle.
P_P #2: NOICE!
by Blackflame619 March 29, 2009
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another word for film critic.
Coined by the Onion
The Onion hate's gaywads that critique their film.
by Blackflame619 February 15, 2009
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When a group of girls are seemingly hot. But when a closer look is made, each individual is terribly ugly.
Man: Dude I'm going to go pick up one of those chicks.
Dude: No don't it's the cheerleader effect, they are all sick.
by Blackflame619 December 24, 2008
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an A Capella but all dudes. Which makes it awesome.
Sometimes spelled with a z at the end.
Guy: let's sing.
Guy 2: You mean an accafella?
Guy: yeah. it's not gay.
by Blackflame619 August 6, 2009
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A result of shitting yourself so bad because someone was insanely good at the guitar.
The band yesterday made me guiturd.

I guiturded after band practice.
by Blackflame619 March 14, 2009
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New Zealander for a "sexual part" of the body such as the butt, or chest.
Jermaine: If I say you got a Boom ow ow, come on Bret, help me out now. Bret you got it goin on.
Bret: I got it goin on.
by Blackflame619 December 30, 2009
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When a new boyfriend does whatever he thinks his girlfriend would like, such as following her around. Quite like being whipped, but doing so just to get in her pants. Enough Boyfriend Points gets you to SCORE.
Guy 1: Dude, that new guy is all over that ugly girl.
Guy 2: Yeah he's going for some Boyfriend Points.
Guy 1: That makes sense.
by Blackflame619 January 14, 2009
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