9 definitions by BlackOut

The woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet, and adorned with gold and jewels and pearls, holding in her hand a golden cup full of abominations and the impurities of her sexual immorality
Jude is the Harlot of Babylon
by BlackOut July 13, 2006
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A turban-wearing-nympho gypsy who migrated from Russia to the friendly confines of the Petach Tikvah Asylum.
A Ravid will both predict and supply your wildest fantasies through rain, sleet, or snow.
by BlackOut February 7, 2004
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I heard Tom masturbates while thinking of guys. How inspire of him.
by BlackOut January 13, 2004
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An intricate network of males of various social standing, arranged and used for a variety of functions to satisfy the needs and whims of one centrally situated female. Use of more than one male for the same need is an oft used method, but much like a spider web, crossing of 2 threads could cause damage to entire web. The introduction of another woman to the web is discouraged, but can be done if executed carefully.
Tina's man web consisted of 2 comedians who provided laughter, a handyman who serviced her home, a fitness instructor who provided training sessions, a chef who prepared meals, a male model who accompanied her on social engagements and an analyst to manage the logistics of the man web.
by BlackOut February 7, 2012
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A word used to describe a female who is unsually hot (scorch) and also sweet (cake).
Ashley is a total scorchcake.
by BlackOut August 3, 2006
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this song is swagish.
by BlackOut January 25, 2005
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Someone who is so fucking cheesy and gay that you're sure their dick is made out of cheese.
John is such a fucking tree hugging, pansy, liberal cheesehorn.
by BlackOut May 17, 2004
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