12 definitions by BillyBobJoe20

The codified constitution that defines and explains the function of government of the United States. It was written in 1787, ratified in 1788, and entered into force in 1789. It has been amended a total of 27 times, and the first ten amendments are the Bill of Rights, which define rights for all citizens of the United States.

The constitution listed out many concepts that have allowed the United States to stand the test of time, and many these concepts have been adopted into other countries constitutions. These include popular sovereignty, separation of powers, individual rights, limited government, checks and balances, and representative democracy.

Along with these concepts, the constitution also defined the limits of the federal government, and the powers that the state government. It should be noted that when the constitution was written, the States of the United States were considered more as countries unified under a federal government, somewhat like the United Kingdom of today. Therefore, the founders took great liberties ensuring a balance between the State government, Federal government, and the people themselves.
*The following is a fictional scenario used to demonstrate the usage of the term: U.S. Constitution. Any reference to a person: living or dead (living being defined as someone living on December 27th, 2020 or thereafter, and dead being those who died prior to this date and time) is purely coincidental (although subconscious thoughts in ones head about names may potentially make it more likely to use a name that is regarded as belonging to a famous person).

Harry: Wow John what is the codified document that defines the functions of the U.S. Government?
John: Why that would be the U.S. Constitution with 27 Amendments through 1992.
by BillyBobJoe20 December 28, 2021
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A system of voting created in 2014 for single seat elections (although variations exist for multi seat or proportional elections). TL;DR for how it works: Voter gives all candidates score from 1-5. Top 2 highest scored candidates go to 1v1 match. Whoever voted best by most people wins election!

Advanced Version
In this election, a voter gives each candidate an integer score from 1 to 5, with 1 representing no approval and 5 representing full approval. Not voting for a candidate gives a score of 0. The top two highest scoring candidates go on to a separate runoff. In this runoff, which ever candidate was scored highest by a larger percent wins.

More information can be found here:

wwwequalvote (Can’t post links so just fill in the rest!)
Bob: Aw man we’re going to have to only vote for one person so I have to choose the candidate I think will win and who I like more, not the candidate I genuinely like!
Mark: Well with STAR Voting you can vote for as many people as you want, and your vote will count even if your top pick doesn’t win!
by BillyBobJoe20 December 27, 2021
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You meant to search cheese up didn’t you? But you were in a rush so you accidentally clicked on the w after the e which makes sense (since it’s next to the e). Well, thank goodness you found this definition!
Mike: Hey Rob I’m here to text you if you want some cheesew
Rob: What?
Mike: Oh I meant to text you cheese but I miss clicked
by BillyBobJoe20 January 31, 2021
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What you say when you desire a block of cheese to move out of the way.
Me: You’re blocking the way cheese. Cheese move, cmon!

Cheese: ...
by BillyBobJoe20 December 28, 2021
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An island country in the South Pacific Ocean. It contains around 300,000 people and has an area of 12,189 square miles.
Teacher: What country is located at 15S 167E?
Student: Vanutu!
Teacher: Ok how do you know this?
Student: Because I lived there.
by BillyBobJoe20 December 27, 2021
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John Tyler was the 10th President of the United States of America. He served from 1841-1845, taking the office of president after William Henry Harrison died as the 9th President.

He was born in Virginia in 1790 to a prominent family. He then became a U.S Representative, the Governor of Virginia, and a U.S. Senator in that order. He then became the 10th Vice President under President William Henry Harrison. However, Harrison died on April 4th, 1841 from pneumonia. Immediately following this Tyler became the 10th President. It should be noted however, that there was much debate about if Tyler was really the bona fide president or the acting president. This was due to some unclear writing regarding the U.S. Cosntitution.
Person 1: We’re studying John Tyler in history class!
Person 2: Really? I heard he was the first President who was never elected to the position!
by BillyBobJoe20 February 17, 2021
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TL;DR- Slang for something as bad as 576(AD), when a plague killed 20% of the world, and the sun was blocked out because of a volcano.

Used to describe something as beyond terrible. As context, the year 576AD is seen by many historians as the worst year in recorded history. This is due to a plague killing 40 million people (around 20% of the global population) and a volcano that blocked out the sun for most of Europe, causing famines on top of the plague. Therefore, this is why using 576AD as a slang term makes sense, as an event devastating to one person is comparable as an event devastating to all of humanity.
Bob: Oh no I have lost my job, I’m about to be evicted, and my house got robbed on top of that.
Jim: Sorry Bob! That is totally 576!
by BillyBobJoe20 December 28, 2021
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