2 definitions by Billy D. Kid

A critic is someone who has no discernible talent so tries to make someone else feel as useless as he/she is.
Critic 'Dude, you SUCK at guitar'
Billy 'Oh, so I guess you're a guitar genius then?'
Critic 'No, I can't play guitar'
by Billy D. Kid June 26, 2006
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A site where you can upload videos and watch videos other people have made. Great idea in theory but is spoiled by all the negative comments by people who can barely spell, probably won't last much longer because people will just choose not to upload their videos.
Two actual messages sent to me on Youtube

Message 1
ere are you pro like mate or wha' ? cos i is be feeling that shit you'r a leg end. i is be likeing your emotion cos you look like you'r getting right into that SHIT!!!! p.s ever thought about going on holiday or maybee taking a break ??? apperntly a break makes you better at singing take the year off you maybe able to sing ,just maybee but i doubt it (TWAT) UNLUCKY SHIT AYE MULLET BOY

Message 2
I hope you know you've completely ruined mine and other people's favourite songs. I hope you get ovarian cancer and die D:
by Billy D. Kid July 5, 2006
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