56 definitions by Bill Peters

See also brown bag test
A group of African Americans which limits its membership to "blue veins" or light skinned black people. During the turn of the century there were self-proclaimed Blue Vein Societies in dozens of US cities representing the miniscule Black upper and upper-middle classes. The societies aped partician white "Blue Blood Socieities" (satirzed by Edith Wharton) and their cheif purpose seems to have been to sponsor balls as meeting places for elgible "blue veined" youth.

The African American write Charles W. Chestnutt describes the origin of the term in the quote below when talking about the Cleveland Blue Vein Society.
"Some envious outsider made the suggestion that no one was eligible for membership who was not white enough to show blue veins. The suggestion was readily adopted by those who were not of the favored few, and since that time the society, though possessing a longer and more pretentious name, had been known far and wide as the "Blue Vein Society," and its members as the "Blue Veins." "
-- Charles W. Chesnutt, "The Wife of His Youth", 1898
by Bill Peters August 20, 2006
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How can they say the Iraq Was is not going according to script? There was no plan in the first place
by Bill Peters November 6, 2006
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Practice popular at raves of taking ecstasty and LSD simultaneously. (A British band, Candy Flip, popular in the 1990s, was named after this practice).
It looks like EVERYONE here, except the cops at the doorway handing out water, did a candy flip.
by Bill Peters November 10, 2006
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An impressive looking device or scheme, that in fact, does nothing. It is commonly believed that pedestrian controlled traffic signals and signs warning that police monitor speeders by aircraft, are blatant examples.
Why are you pushing the "close" door on this elevator? It's just a mechanical placebo.
by Bill Peters August 12, 2006
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(1) To be in possession of an illegal substance, particularly drugs.
(2) To be using drugs or found to be using through a test
(3) Shifty, greasy, unkempt, possession bad manners; having “redneck” qualities.
(4) A mullet
(1) I'm not going to the concert with you if you are dirty. We might get busted.
(2) Barry Bonds never showed up dirty on his tests because he took measures to ensure he showed clean.
(3) She's so dirty; he must be mad about her to wanna go out with someone s-o-o-o-o on the other side of the tracks.
(4) Dawg the Bounty Hunter has a helluva dirty.
by Bill Peters October 13, 2006
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(n) A short, catchy statement meeting the short attention requirements of TV news. Sound bites have the annoying habit of being play again and again ad nauseum. In fact, newscasts are increasingly built around sound bites instead of hard news and analysis. And public relations firms earn huge bucks cooking up sound bites for political spin and damage control.
One memorable sound bite (1984 Debate) from Vice Presidential candidate Lloyd Bensten countering Dan Quayle's comparision of himself to President John Kennedy.

Bensten: "I knew Jack Kennedy. He was a friend of mine. You are no Jack Kennedy."
by Bill Peters November 24, 2006
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GIs often don't want to wear turtle suits because it restricts their moblity and range of motion, but it has proven to have saved hundreds of lives.
by Bill Peters October 12, 2006
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