1 definition by Bigmantimothy

Ulster Volenteer Force, a group of paramilitaries formed to protect their colonies in northern Ireland, stolen from the native Irish, they usually point to the large amount of Anglos in Northern Ireland, who lived there for "generations" (Yet forget to mention the Irish who lived there for thousands of years before them) as justification for their shameless land grab.

Members of the UVF typically point to the religous divide to scare Protestants into siding with them, in case the secular IRA/IRB let " the Catholic Church control everything" despite Protestants fighting alongside Catholics for hundreds of years against the English, like in the 1798 Rising.
Larry: Hey, who is that fella huffing glue in the corner

Jim: Oh yeah, hes Tim, hes in the UVF

Larry: No Wonder!
by Bigmantimothy July 12, 2020
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