2 definitions by BigSanchez

Proud ancient family name of very resilient people all over the world. Usually work in high places in government, finance, administration, and make the best doctors, lawyers, priests, royals, entrepreneurs, artists, scientists, kings and presidents. Also a synonym for intelligence, loving, bravery, important, teacher, healer, pride, royalty, mystic, tolerant, virtue, karma.
king, royalty, president, doctor, lawyer, tolerant, minister, karma, love, teacher, advisor, strength, pride.
Sanchez is the smartest person I know
Sanchez haters are usually racist and ignorant
by BigSanchez February 4, 2010
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Proud ancient family name of very resilient people all over the world. Usually work in high places in government, finance, administration, and make the best doctors, lawyers, priests, royals, entrepreneurs, artists, scientists, kings and presidents. Also a synonym for intelligence, loving, bravery, important, teacher, healer, pride, royalty, mystic, tolerant, virtue, karma.
king, royalty, president, doctor, lawyer, tolerant, minister, karma, love, teacher, advisor, strength, pride.
Sanchez is the smartest person I know
Sanchez haters are usually racist and ignorant
by BigSanchez February 4, 2010
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