10 definitions by Big Lud the Stud

When you shake a man's hand and each of you unzip mid-handshake and consummate the union of joined hands with a hearty urination on and around the hands and forearms. This is the highest form of respect and a sign of good faith for a future business or political relationship.
John entered the boardroom and was met by Brian from Memphis Corp. Brian wanted to make sure John knew he was serious about the future business relationship so he unzipped and bore his penis while offering his hand and gave John a proper Golden Handshake. John followed suit and extended his penis towards the union of hands and made it a reciprocated golden handshake.
by Big Lud the Stud May 20, 2014
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8 spots on a woman's body when a penis can be inserted. 1) Vagina 2) Rectum 3) Mouth 4) Between tits 5) Left armpit 6) Right armpit 7) Between feet 8) Between hands
Bill: So Bryan, how was your date with Monica last night? Did you get a run around the bases?

Bryan: More like a double grand slam, Monica gave me access to her octapussy.
by Big Lud the Stud July 18, 2014
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In lieu of Crossfit legend and 3 time world champion competitor Rich Froning, it is common for many men to pop a boner or "froner" when looking at pictures of a shirtless Rich Froning or in his presence. The "froner" is not considered a homosexual tendency, but more of a form of respect and appreciation for his athletic accomplishments.
As Bryan watched Rich Froning compete in the Crossfit games at the Home Depot center in Los Angeles, he felt all the blood rush from his top head down to his low head. A gigantic froner former in his spandex shorts. Rich Froning dropped his 305lb barbell and made eye contact with Bryan's froner in the crowd. Rich winked at Bryan's froner as an sign of appreciation for the appreciation.
by Big Lud the Stud July 25, 2014
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Similar to a turtle sticking its head in and out, a turdle is a turd that makes a short head appearance out of the rectum and then quickly restricts itself back into the safety of the lower intestines and anus. A turdle can occur if a would be shitter is frightened or if the would be shitter has forced the fecal turdle head back into his or her anus due to bad timing (in the car, in meeting, at boyfriend or girlfriends house, etc).
Brian felt his lower intestines launch a fecal turdpedo into his anus while he was sitting on the couch at his new girlfriend's house. His anus hatch was forced open by the turdpedo and nearly caused a Brown October on the couch. Brian contemplated releasing the turdpedo in her guest restroom, but instead decided to "turdle" it until he got home later that night.
by Big Lud the Stud September 25, 2014
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When you have three things simultaneously go wrong. The post result is being tri-fucked.
Brian had perfectly set up a romantic evening to celebrate the 10 yr wedding anniversary to his lovely wife Marta. Upon arriving at the restaurant he realized that he had accidentally made reservations for the day prior and no seating was available. Trying to salvage the evening Brian took his hungry wife to a luxurious hotel where he had made reservations. The hotel had overbooked and could not offer the suite that he had made reservations for and could only offer him a basement level employee room without views. Brian accepted the low quality room since they were out of town for the celebration. Once in the room, Brian was hoping to make love to his wife but found she was on her period. It was a perfect tri-fuckta of a evening and Brian was left feeling tri-fucked.
by Big Lud the Stud September 16, 2014
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When a man uses a urinal in a restroom but is unable to release his urine with the customary dick reveal due to stage fright. After standing pee-less for 10-15 seconds a man will sometimes discharge saliva from his mouth to encourage his urine to follow suit and discharge. This pee-less stand at the urinal is known as a "shot cock violation" since it causes a reservation of the urinal for a non-pee activity.
Brian had held in his urine throughout the whole movie in order to not miss any scenes. He limped to he men's restroom where he found three pee-less men hogging the three urinals. After waiting 15 seconds and not hearing any streams of urine hitting the cakes, Brian yelled out "shot cock violation" and one of the men hung his head in shame and slowly backed away from the urinal exposing it for use while is pee-less cock also hung it's head in shame.
by Big Lud the Stud August 11, 2014
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When a person takes a large fibrous shit creating a helicopter like blade like effect when flushed. After this "proopreller" reaches terminal velocity during the flush, it is then pulled from the middle causing the helicopter blade to fold in half and exit down the toilet. This phenomenon often causes a ringer and toilet clog.
Bryan was bursting at the seems when he entered his girlfriends house and met her parents for the first time. Since someone was in the guest bathroom, he snuck upstairs and went into the master bedroom bathroom. He shat a proopeller and upon flushing it left a shit ring and clogged the toilet to start overflowing with shit all over the floor. Bryan crawled out of the upstairs window and escaped to his car. He lost all contact with his former girlfriend and changed his number.
by Big Lud the Stud July 24, 2014
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