27 definitions by Big B

cool,soothing,moist,absorbant towellet that is place carefully between arse cheeks after a hard night of drinking and four or more bathroom visits.
That's my fourth sh*#t this morning does anyone have a manpon handy.
by Big B September 13, 2003
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where santas elves go to die
Santa elve #5428 is getting a little old should we send him to the southpole
by Big B December 4, 2004
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n. Another term used for a large stack of bills or bud.
Shit thats a PHHHATTTTT stack
by Big B December 10, 2003
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1. Anickname for Gillian Dolen
2. An extremly hot girl at my school, w/big tits that are perfect
by Big B October 31, 2004
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An elite, in everything(gaming,sports anything else that has to competing, ect. ect.) . Translated to "gangster".
Hey look, brandon is a gundal.
by Big B June 22, 2003
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While not the first assualt rifle, arguably the best. Unlike the M-16, which requires constant cleaning, the AK-47 has few moving parts that do not get fouled easily.
The AK-47 was not entirely a Russian design
by Big B December 19, 2004
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