12 definitions by Ben Jammin

Verb-To have a word starting with C and chancink it to K for "cool effect"
Kool, Kute, Kombat, etc.
by Ben Jammin February 10, 2005
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to be exceptionally good at something, mostly used in videogames. Interchangable with Haxor.
1.)OMG he just got POWNZORED!!
2.)I totally pownzor...
by Ben Jammin February 10, 2005
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Adj.-When something is so outraging that it reaches a level that is almost unbelievable.
I cant believe I got laid off! That voracious bitch at the office had it in for me!
by Ben Jammin February 10, 2005
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when a group of a female's friends form a pact to protect thier friend from any male contact.
oh my god, look at that massive cock blockade around her!
by Ben Jammin February 11, 2005
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A nickname for a town in Florida close to Tampa called Gibsonton. Gibsonton is where all of the circus workers that travel the United States live. This includes such famous people as The Lizard Man, The Fat Woman, The Bearded Lady, The Rubber Man, etc.
I drove past Carnieville last night and saw the carnies feeding goats.
by Ben Jammin June 28, 2006
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