4 definitions by Bell Pepper Slayer

A person that finds amusement out of stirring the pot amongst their friends and family.
Stop being A Danny Jeoffroy and stirring the pot before a fight breaks out amongst them.
by Bell Pepper Slayer March 17, 2024
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Someone who tells people to not do things they themselves do. Worse are those who insult and belittle people for doing the same things they do.
Taylor: Trey your a piece of shit for being a cheater. I hate cheaters they are the devil!

Trey: I’m not saying cheating is right because it’s most definitely not. But sometimes people get treated badly, which causes them to do something they regret.

Taylor: gets caught cheating on husband months later!

Taylor would be the perfect example of a hypocrite for belittling Trey for cheating but goes and does it herself.
by Bell Pepper Slayer June 5, 2021
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A toxiferous person is the most toxic of toxic people on the face of the earth. They are completely apathetic to anyone’s feelings except for their own. If you come in contact with a toxiferous person, it will not matter if your family, friends, acquaintances or complete strangers they will drag you into the darkest depths of hell because all they know is trouble. A toxiferous person will lie, steal, cheat stab you in the back and go as far as fuck there best friend's spouse all in the blink of an eye and that includes their closest of friends without feeling an ounce of remorse for their own actions.
Tayler is the most toxiferous human being I personally know you should hear what she has done this time. Which I’m sure nothing I say she has done would surprise you I’m sure.
by Bell Pepper Slayer September 10, 2021
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A toxiferous person is the most toxic of toxic people on the face of the earth. They are completely apathetic to anyone’s feelings except for their own. If you come in contact with a toxiferous person, it will not matter if your family, friends, acquaintances or complete strangers they will drag you into the darkest depths of hell because all they know is trouble. A toxiferous person will lie, steal, cheat stab you in the back and go as far as fuck there best friend's spouse all in the blink of an eye and that includes their closest of friends without feeling an ounce of remorse for their own actions.
Tayler is the most toxiferous human being I personally know you should hear what she has done this time. Which I’m sure nothing I say she has done would surprise you I’m sure.
by Bell Pepper Slayer September 10, 2021
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