13 definitions by Behnaz

1. used to describe all activies a hoe makes.
2. used to descirbe a person's sexual acts that are very hoe like but are done rarely.
bitch i dont want to know about your hoetivities, its nasty!
by Behnaz February 28, 2008
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A name of a ghetto ass girl born in a taco selling place, such as taco bell or corner tacos. pronounced shi-taco
I was born near toco bell so mah moma named me shitaco
by Behnaz February 26, 2008
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when you do some thing illegal, can involve anything.
Im bustin a bitch( i am makingan illegal U turn)
by Behnaz February 26, 2008
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an overgronw mustach resembling a walrus' teeth usually sported by hispanic gangsters in south LA.. its very intimidating...
holy shit look at that walrus mustache, it be big!
by Behnaz February 28, 2008
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a variety of styles that are frequantly worn by cholos and cholotes. 2 of the most common are: the big ass long t shirt/tunic with classic long short that go below the knee, with white cotton socks that hit the knee and old school black nike's
the second most common is the prisoner look, dickie pants with prison like shirt, but may also be worn with a super huge shirt that is button on the very top button and unobotten on the rest with whit t shirt under, and the huge long belt that acts like a tail
i hate cholo clothes
by Behnaz February 28, 2008
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word used by stupid people who think they speak spanish
blah blah blah, enchilada!
some bitch: oh ididnt know that you speak spanish!
by Behnaz February 27, 2008
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1. exteme disapproval with what ever has been proposed or stated.
2. when used with "oh" this term is used when trying to comfront some one who has offended one's character
Boy: lets fuck betty!
Betty: Hell to the NIGGA NO!

Boy1: YO mama suck balls
BOy2: oh hell to the nigga no! imma beat jo azz mofo!
by Behnaz February 28, 2008
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