3 definitions by BeefMonger

Acronym for "feed baby sister". Originated only to elongate the phrase "OMGWTFLOLBBQ" to "OMGWTFLOLBBQG2GFBS", but can occasionally be used literally.
Mikhail: "Alright, it's 49-49. One more kill and we win! Nobody die!"
Phineas: "G2G FBS"
*Phineas proceeds to run into the middle of the map, leave his controller unattended, and get shot in the face*
Mikhail: "...You're a dick..."
Phineas: "lol"
by BeefMonger February 19, 2008
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A type of bank account that will leave all of its contents to the specified heir upon the death of the account's original owner. This keeps the money within the account out of probate.

The band "P.O.D." took this term, applied it to the death of Yahshuah (Jesus Christ), and used it for their name. The contents of a payable-on-death account loosely symbolize The Messiah's atonement for our sin.
Mikhail: "You have a payable-on-death bank account?"
Phineas: "No, I'll be sitting in Hell laughing my ass off at the people going through the trouble of proving the authenticity of my will."
Mikhail: "...You're a dick..."
Phineas: "lol"

Mikhail: "What does P.O.D.'s name mean?"
Phineas: "It stands for Payable on Death. It's a type of bank account that allows its contents to be passed on to somebody else when the owner dies without the money going into probate. They correlate this with Jesus' atonement for our sin, you fucking dumbass. Jeez, why the hell do I even hang around you? If I wanted to hear dumb questions, I'd go to a third grade math lesson and listen to kids ask why two plus two equals four."
Mikhail: "...You're a dick..."
Phineas: "lol"
by BeefMonger February 19, 2008
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A city in Montana. Not a whole lot to do indoors, but plentiful with outdoor areas in which much recreation can be had (such as hiking, target shooting, hunting, etc.).

Has everything you need in the city, while the wooded areas are still very near.

All in all, a fine place to live. Is getting a little over-run with people, though. Time for some of us to move into the mountains, but it should have a bit more good time left.
Mikhail: "How's Kalispell treatin' ya?"
Phineas: "Very well. You'd know that if you opened your eyes and read my fucking post cards, dumbass. What the hell's your problem, bitch?"
Mikhail: "I'm blind..."
Phineas: "Not my fault you got lazy and forgot to exercise your eyes, you slothful fucker."
Mikhail: "...You're a dick..."
Phineas: "lol"
by BeefMonger February 19, 2008
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