1 definition by Becki N# 1

means 'noose', because it's short for Rebecca/Rebekah.

But the name evokes many memories of the person. I know loads of Rebeccas.

1. There's me - shortish, Goth, artistic, quiet at times, gets drunk alot, smokes anything I can lay my hands on. Has dreadfalls and is very pale due to drug consumption and my fear of the sun.

2. 'Trever', this is one of her nicknames, but is actually another Rebekah - tallish, Christian, funny, quiet, happy and smiley.

3. Cawrey - tall, blonde, weird, smokes and stuff.

4. "Discoteck" - raves alot, cybergoth, random.
person : omg, there's a becki *points*

another person : what kind!?

person : i dunno.
by Becki N# 1 July 25, 2008
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