45 definitions by Becca

noun: derived from the word "sick", a sickophant is someone that "sickifies" something... ie. makes something perfectly normal and innocent filthy and often sexual.
1. Alec is a sickophant
2. OMG, why do you have to sickify everything i say, you are such a sickophant
by Becca April 22, 2005
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A common surname in the Shire, and the surname of one of the main characters in Lord of the Rings. Frodo Baggins, and his faithful *gardener* ((ahem)) Samwise Gamgee.
Creepy Nazgul/Black Rider: Shiiiiiire.....Bagginssssss
by Becca March 2, 2005
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The best band in the world ever!,
Ive only been into punk and rock music 4 about a year but they are amazing,
also they make me think about polotics, not many bands can say that! saw them live on thier American Idiot tour last week in Nottingham!
Just amazing!
Plus how gorgeous is Billie Joe!
Thier all like my Idols!
Theyve changed my taste in music forever!
Punk band 1988(year i was born)- present day
by Becca February 3, 2005
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A song that is on a pointless, BUT FUNNY Animation on newgrounds and now ebaumsworld
Ring ring ring ring ring ring ring banana phone!
Ring ring ring ring ring ring ring banana phooooone!
I got this feelin'
It's so appealing
For us to get together and sing. SING!
Ring ring ring ring ring ring ring banana phone!
Ding dong ding dong ding dong ding banana phone!
It grows in bunches
I got my lunches
It's the best
Beats the rest!
Ring ring ring ring ring ring ring banana phone!
Don't need no quarters, don't need no dimes, to call a friend of mine
No need computers, or TV, to have a real good time,
I'll call my dentist
I'll call my cat
It's cellular, modular, intellective, oddular!
Ring ring ring ring ring ring ring banana phone!
Ring ring ring ring ring ring ring banana phooooone!
by Becca January 9, 2005
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to give or recieve anything anally sexual.
Damn ryan gave me the finest booty call i've had in 3 yrs!
by Becca December 20, 2004
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Used to be the classroom for the mentally challenged at Gage Middle School and is now used when people make stupid mistakes or act dumb.
You dropped your ipod in the toilet? man.. you're such an 804.
by Becca April 10, 2005
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