13 definitions by BeatMeatRepeat

Joe how's that cotton candy flavored lung cancer?
Man this pod is so fucking good man, want a hit?
nah lung cancer ain't for me bro
by BeatMeatRepeat December 13, 2021
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When you watch 2 more people have sex online.
Due to bob's lack of skills with women he resorted to e-cucking as a replacement.
by BeatMeatRepeat July 24, 2023
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when a low quality female tries to explain why sleeping with many dudes is acceptable.
Dude get rid of that whoresplaining sack of shit you call a girlfriend
by BeatMeatRepeat October 7, 2023
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When someone almost always chooses pharmaceutical pills to handle their body problem even when there are more effective and less damaging methods of fixing their body problems. This person has an obsession with pills, they ignore healthy eating habits and want all their problems to be fixed by these pills. being sick & under the thumb of big pharma is their fetish and their goal in life.
instead of doing paleo & intermittent fasting or going on a diet joe decided to be a fat lazy bitch with a big pharma fetish and started taking weight loss medications.
by BeatMeatRepeat November 2, 2022
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A person who follows a large combination of shitty habits you will find on my 600 pound life. The culture and way of life many Americans follow it involves eating like shit, being a pussy, being a fat lazy bitch, excessive leisure activity consumption, Netflix, large usage of social media.
Joe: We need to hit the gym this saturday at 11 am.
Larry: I can't I got like plans
Joe: you fat lazy bitch your plans are sleeping in, get your fat fucking ass to the fucking gym!

Larry: I mean like I can uh like uh do pushups at home.

Joe: at home my fucking ass. holy shit Mr. I'll quit drinking tomorrow. If you keep up the my 600 pound life culture you'll soon be on it. This is why you have a girlfriend that gives you sad handjobs
by BeatMeatRepeat May 9, 2023
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A poorly run for profits workplace that for some reason doesn't have enough money to pay its employees fairly in comparison to their production. A symptom of a shallow pockets workplace is raises that are raises less than 2.50$.
Fuck shallow pockets workplaces.
by BeatMeatRepeat November 12, 2022
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