10 definitions by Beanstalker

Beautiful dark skinned man. Member of the fabled Swag Alliance. Known to get high and get buck, and has a number of bitches on his dick. Everyone loves him. Everyone wants him around all day. Everyone wishes to be him.
Phoebe: This is the most boring party of all time.
Heather: I know. If only we had that Swag Monster Kwabena here, everyone would be having the best time ever.
by Beanstalker July 11, 2011
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Phrase used to assure people everything is all right.
John: Man, my American History professor keeps giving me bad grades.
Mark: That sucks bro, my shit is clean in that course.

Tim: My wife keeps telling me that you're having problems in your job?
James: Nah, my shit is clean.
by Beanstalker November 24, 2010
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What really really really really REALLY light sleepers do.
It is extremely hard to watch any porn at night at home because my parents sleep like thieves and are always waking up and being annoying.
by Beanstalker November 8, 2009
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What you demand someone does after they offer you food to ensure it is safe to eat. An especially good tactic when they did do something to it and they have to waste it.
Dude 1: Yo, you want some of this burger? I didn't do anything to it. *snort snort laugh snort*
Dude 2: Fuck you bro, take a test bite first.
Dude 1: Aww.
by Beanstalker March 25, 2010
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An entire conversation discussed about nothing except obvious facts. Usually held on awkward blind dates, between coworkers, conversations between a father and his porn star daughter, or a douchebag who thinks he's smooth while trying to hit on a girl.
Rob: So, It's rained everyday this week.
Kelly: Yeah. It usually stops near September, though.
Rob: Mhmm.
Kelly: Yeah.
Rob: So did you watch the 49ers last evening? They lost.
Kelly: Yep. The score was 24-21, right?
Rob. Yes.
Kelly: Can you believe we have to go to work an hour earlier tommorow?
Rob: Yes.
Kelly: ...Okay this is a very obvious obvious conversation
by Beanstalker August 25, 2010
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Guy 1: So I was visiting Ohio State Unive--
Guy 2: Whoa whoa whoa whoa now. You mean you were visiting THE Ohio State University
Guy 1: Whatever. And they had this pool
Guy 2: No, repeat the sentence correctly.
Guy 1: What?
Guy 2: Do it.
Guy 1: No
Guy 2: Motherfucker, you wanna get laid out?
Guy 1: I was visiting THE Ohio State University.
by Beanstalker March 11, 2011
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An American's favorite question and toughest decision.
Customer: I'll have four McDoubles, six Big Macs, three Whoppers, two large orders of fries, four large orders of onion rings, five large Cokes, two ice creams, and two jumbo chilli dogs. I also have this coupon for buy three spicy chicken sandwiches get one free.

Cashier: For here or to go?

Customer: .... *tears up*
by Beanstalker December 15, 2010
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