47 definitions by Bean

Lesbians. Seen in novel Path of Daggers, Robert Jordan.
Quote from memory:
It's none of my business that you two spend so much time together, for all I know you could be pillow friends.
by Bean October 10, 2003
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1) The opposite of kewl, that being 3 polish circus performers hailing a cab on a raft made up of hollowed out dinosaurs bones in the middle of the red sea, and one of the performers is 96.3% lithium.
2) Setting your own bedtime.
3) Steve Pinske.
JAN: Fight Club is the coolest movie ever.

BEAN: Fight Club is emo.

Sheep: Antikewl. That's just antikewl. Stop f*cking talking to me.
by Bean May 7, 2005
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A quick and meaningless crush as a means to fulfill an emotional need, Often on a fictional character.
My boyfrend dumped me, I think I need some easy-mac.
OMG! Wolverine is so easy-mac!
by Bean January 27, 2004
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chicken broth for a soup---european
put some hey in the pot
by Bean March 6, 2005
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displaying the properties of an oger.
ie. huge, large, often hairy, or extreme cases of obesity

derived from the famous term Mad niggerish
this mad ogerish mafucker came out so we peeled
by Bean March 11, 2005
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The anticipation for sex or any romantic encounter with a man: "man"+"anticipation"= manticipation!
She manticipated their next date for days- she wanted him bad!
by Bean June 14, 2004
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a world unknown either north or south
is it north or south from seattle and do they make their own beer
by Bean November 19, 2004
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